Akropolis / Akropole | Nov 2024
A Christmas TV commercial we crafted for Akropolis / Akropole shopping malls.

Optibet | Mar 2024
A TV commercial we crafted to promote Optibet’s sports sponsorship program.

Red Noses | Feb 2024
A TV commercial we crafted for Red Noses clown doctors’ fund raising campaign.

Lidl | Jul 2023
A long-running campaign we created to highlight what makes Lidl stores different such as the low prices and the unique assortment of items they carry. The TV ad featuring a "unique assortment" became the most memorable of the summer of 2022, according to Synopticom Ad Research. The phrase "This is not like Lidl" also became a part of Lithuanian colloquial language.

Red Cross Lithuania | Apr 2023
Lithuania ranked 83rd in the 2022 World Giving Index. Before considering whether to give to others, some Lithuanians will wonder, “What’s in it for me?” If the answer is “nothing,” they will most likely not donate money to those in need. To change that, we created a campaign for the Red Cross Lithuania.

Karl Friedrich | Apr 2023
A set of TV commercials we created for a long-running Karl Friedrich beer campaign: “Hold my Karl”.

Red Noses | May 2022
A TV commercial in which we captured the essence of Red Noses clown doctors’ organisation with the goal of raising funds.

Kiusimisvaba Kool | Dec 2022
A TV commercial we crafted to raise awareness on child bullying in Estonia.

Petergailis | Mar 2022
A set of TV commercials we created to launch Petergailis cookies in the Latvian market.

Lidl | Apr 2022
A campaign we created to present fresh spring and later autumn harvests at Lidl stores.

Zelta Zivtina | Oct 2021
A TV commercial we created to introduce “good old prices” available only to seniors for the pay-as-you-go brand Zelta Zivtina. The commercial recreates Pesnya Goda (Song of the Year) – a televised Soviet music festival in the ’80s and an iconic show of that generation.

Olerex | Jan 2022
A campaign we created to launch a new loyalty program for Olerex gasoline stations. We placed the heroes of the campaign – piggy-bank jars – in outdoor advertising stands.

Elvi | Oct 2021
A TV commercial for the grocery retailer Elvi that we created during the Latvian “banana price wars.”

Lithuanian Swimming Federation | Aug 2021
In 2020, 159 people drowned in Lithuania, 4 times the EU average. On behalf of the Lithuanian Swimming Federation, we have created a provocative TV commercial encouraging parents to take their children to swimming lessons.

Lidl | Jun 2021
A series of television ads we created to pitch the freshness of the produce available at Lidl stores. According to Synopticom Ad Research, these became the best-liked Lithuanian ads in the second quarter of 2021.

Niekieno Vaikai | Nov 2020
A campaign we created for Niekieno Vaikai (Nobody's Children). It was inspired by a real story and collected enough money for the initiative to continue running for 3 months in the 5 largest Lithuanian cities.

Labas Majas | May 2020
A TV commercial we created to enable an animal shelter to survive during the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020. The campaign raised enough money to ensure that the shelter remained open and functional during the summer of 2020.

Tele2 | Aug 2020
An anti-cyberbullying television commercial we developed for Latvian telco Tele2. It featured Daiga Barkane, also known as Uga, a rapper from the Latgalian region. The campaign provoked intense public discussion, bringing the polarised Latvian views surrounding this topic to the surface.

Lidl | Jan 2020
A multi-award-winning campaign we created to pitch the benefits of shopping at Lidl stores to the public. Synopticom Ad Research ranked it as the No. 1 most memorable campaign in Lithuania in the first quarter of 2020, which helped drive a 23.5% annual turnover growth at Lidl stores.

Karl Friedrich | Mar 2020
A series of TV commercials we developed for Karl Friedrich beer.

Tele2 | Dec 2019
An open invitation, in the form of a TV commercial, to spend time at ice rinks during Christmas, which we created for Tele2 in Estonia.

Tele2 | Oct 2019
A campaign we developed for Tele2 telecom that invited people to detoxify their digital habits and use their mobile devices in more meaningful ways.

Tele2 | Jul 2019
A TV commercial we created to promote the broad coverage of the Tele2 network in Estonia.

Aldaris | Apr 2019
A campaign we created to promote the iconic Latvian beer Aldaris.

Tele2 | Sept 2018
A TV commercial for Tele2 we created to pitch special offers on data packs for families.

Svyturys | Apr 2019
A TV commercial we crafted to launch the alcohol-free version of the iconic Lithuanian beer Svyturys Ekstra.

Pakruojo Dvaras | May 2018
A TV commercial we created for the largest manor in Lithuania dating back to the 16th century – Pakruojo Dvaras (Manor Of Pakruojis). It is now a living museum and has been named as a European Destination of Excellence (EDEN).

Zelta Zivtina | Jul 2018
A series of TV commercials we created to promote the leading pay-as-you go mobile card in Latvia: Zelta Zivtina.

Lemon | Jan 2018
A campaign we developed to launch a youth-focused sub-brand called Lemon, from the Belarus telecom provider Velcom.

Svyturys | Oct 2017
The last TV commercial for Svyturys beer that we produced before Lithuania’s total ban on alcoholic beverage advertising came into force. The ad pulls scenes and heroes from classic ads, which have become a part of Lithuanian popular culture over the years, into the world of Svyturys’ “sea romance”.

Zelta Zivtina | Jul 2017
An award-winning, multi-channel campaign we designed for Zelta Zivtina to promote its tariff plan without a roaming service or charges, in a market under new European telecom regulations.

Aldaris | Apr 2017
A TV commercial we created to promote a new line of beers from Aldaris Izlases (Select).

Zelta Zivtina | Mar 2017
An online video and TV commercial we created to promote a member-get-member programme for Zelta Zivtina. The music for the song was composed and performed by Arnis Racinskis, the famous Latvian rock star.

Svyturys | Mar 2017
A TV commercial we created to promote the pairing of Svyturys Traditional Collection’s beer with food, featuring the Lithuanian celebrity chefs Deivydas Praspaliauskas and Gaspar Fernandes.

Velcom | Dec 2016
A TV commercial we created for Velcom telco to present the largest 3G network in Belarus.

Tele2 | Feb 2017
A TV commercial we created for a new generation fast mobile home internet service from Tele2.

Tele2 | Oct 2016
A TV commercial we created to introduce a mobile home Internet service from Tele2.

Maxima | Sept 2016
A TV commercial/music video performed by Zygimantas Kudirka, aka Messiah, for retailer Maxima to promote Brainers. Brainers is a set of 80 cards that encourages kids to discover a fascinating world of experiments and brainteasers.

Maxima | Jun 2016
A campaign we developed for an initiative by the Olympic champion (and best-ever Lithuanian swimmer) Ruta Meilutyte and retailer Maxima to raise money for Lithuanian children’s swimming lessons, and in this way, to save them from drowning. The campaign has raised over 110,000 donations.

Velcom | Jun 2016
A TV commercial we created for Velcom telco to promote a payment plan for urban youth called In Your Rhythm.

Credit 24 | Apr 2016
A TV commercial for a revolutionary Credit Line product – a product designed for regular credit consumers from Credit 24.

Vichy | Apr 2016
A TV commercial we crafted for the silver-purified Vichy brand of bottled water.

Forte Bank | Mar 2015
A cinematic piece of TV advertising we crafted to introduce a new kind of a bank that puts people first, formed by a merger of 3 banks in Kazakhstan.

OKT | May 2015
A TV commercial we created to introduce Oskaras Korsunovas Theatre’s 17th season to the public.

Zelta Zivtina | Dec 2014
A series of TV commercials we made featuring the Zi and Ze characters as a dancing horse performing to different tunes, to promote a new offer from Zelta Zivtina – 2 products for the price of one.

Velcom | Nov 2014
A campaign we developed for Velcom telecom to encourage people to use mobile data on their smart phones.

Maxima | Oct 2014
A campaign we developed to promote diary products at Maxima stores.

Zelta Zivtina | Oct 2014
A campaign we developed to remind Zelta Zivtina customers of the benefits of the ZZ Visi unlimited call and text payment plan.

Maxima | Sept 2014
A campaign that we created for the first-time ever based on various Lithuanian language dialects, which was designed to bring pride to the produce from different regions of Lithuania.

Zelta Zivtina | Sept 2014
A TV commercial we created for pay-as-you go mobile card Zelta Zivtina to promote their new super-cheap data package.

Vaiku Linija | Mar 2014
A multi-award-winning TV commercial we created for Vaiku Linija (Children Helpline) to raise awareness about the dangers of cyberbullying.

Satta Outside Festival | Jul 2014
A campaign we developed to promote the Satta Outside Festival – a cult favourite in Lithuania that was taking place in Latvia for the first time.

Vaiku Linija | Mar 2013
A TV commercial we developed to promote an Anti-Bullying Week initiative from Vaiku Linija (Children’s Helpline).

Velcom | Jan 2013
A TV commercial we created for Belarus’s largest and very business-oriented telecom company, Velcom. Every mask featured in this ad was handcrafted by the contemporary Belarusian artist Alexander Shappo.

Svyturys | May 2012
A TV commercial we fashioned to re-introduce a best-selling premium beer in Lithuania, Svyturys Ekstra. The multi-award winning TV ad included detailed drawings of every element of a watch mechanism, 3D modelling, and a special programmed rig that animated the components into a single mechanism.

Aldaris | Apr 2012
A campaign we developed to establish the new communication platform for the Aldaris brand. By bringing the public’s beloved quirks in the Latvian countryside back to its advertising, we helped return the brand to its roots as a national Latvian beer.

Scottish Leader | May 2011
A pan-Baltic campaign we developed for Scottish Leader Whisky. It resulted in a 119% increase in sales, depending on the country, with a much-needed radical change in consumer perception measured by attributes such as old traditions and high quality, among others.

Tele2 | Apr 2012
A campaign we developed to establish Tele2 as a telecom option for business customers. The aim was to showcase big names as Tele2 business clients and to present sophisticated telecommunication solutions, as well as the Tele2 attitude. The main commercial was supplemented by short TV inserts used before or after relevant TV new items and in the same commercial blocks.

DnB Nord | Jun 2009
A campaign we created to sell “basketball” deposits during the European Basketball Championship in Poland for DNB Nord bank. The campaign was based on the cult Polish animation series, Lolek and Bolek. To maintain its authenticity, the Polish Film Institute supervised the production of the animations.

KIFF | Aug 2010
A multi-awarded campaign we crafted for Kaunas International Film Festival exploring the influence that art cinema can have on people.

Svyturys | May 2009
A classic “irresistible taste” commercial we created for Švyturys beer.

Omnitel | May 2008
A campaign we designed to bring Omnitel back to the basics of what communications is all about. It plays on the insight that we are the result of other people’s influences and makes use of an element of Omnitel’s visual identity – the cube – as its hero.

DnB Nord | Jun 2008
A campaign we developed that epitomises our idea of a great campaign: tangible business numbers (108% ROI, 91% revenue from new clients and 107% revenue growth compared to the previous year), proven effectiveness (winner of the 2nd Most Effective Campaign at the Local Effectiveness Awards), and public delight (2nd Most-Loved TV Commercial in 2008 in Lithuania according to a public vote). This was all done with the help of Chinese fans that were presented singing a remake of the Lithuanian basketball anthem.

Omnitel | Dec 2007
A campaign we designed for Omnitel that invited people to share their joy at Christmas.

Vision Express | Sept 2007
A series of TV commercials we developed for a long-running popular campaign from the Vision Express optical retailer.

Omnitel | Nov 2007
A promotional campaign we created for a new Omnitel tariff plan asking people to “shut up” at certain times – for all other times, there is Omnitel.

Kalnapilis | Nov 2005
One of the classic TV commercials we created for the challenger beer brand Kalnapilis. The commercial challenged unquestionable Lithuanian traditions and achieved unprecedented growth for the Kalnapilis brand.

SEB | Apr 2006
A product concept and a campaign we created to introduce it to the public in response to the commoditised mortgage market. Safe Mortgage would become one of the most powerful products within the SEB Lithuania portfolio and its concept would extend to other products such as consumer loans. The campaign was among the most innovative banking advertisements in Lithuania, including first-of-the-type long copy ads.