Red Noses | Feb 2024
A TV commercial we crafted for Red Noses clown doctors’ fund raising campaign.

Red Cross Lithuania | Apr 2023
Lithuania ranked 83rd in the 2022 World Giving Index. Before considering whether to give to others, some Lithuanians will wonder, “What’s in it for me?” If the answer is “nothing,” they will most likely not donate money to those in need. To change that, we created a campaign for the Red Cross Lithuania.

Kiusimisvaba Kool | Dec 2022
A TV commercial we crafted to raise awareness on child bullying in Estonia.

Red Noses | May 2022
A TV commercial in which we captured the essence of Red Noses clown doctors’ organisation with the goal of raising funds.

Call Russia | Mar 2022
Call Russia – a counter–disinformation initiative we have created in collaboration with 15 Min Group and other partners – has become one of largest and most impactful civic movements against the Russian–Ukrainian war. With very little budget and no pre-existing platform or infrastructure, the initiative has united volunteers from around the globe to cut through Putin’s information blockades and tell millions of Russians the truth and empower them to stand against the war. In just 4 weeks, Call Russia has been featured in 800+ top tier articles from CNN, BBC, CBS News, Reuters, Agence France-Presse, RTL News (Germany), and others, reaching an audience of 1.7+ billion and the volunteers, hailing from 132 countries, have made more than 130,000 calls, with 45% of the calls going through and 47% of those judged as successful.

Lithuanian Swimming Federation | Aug 2021
In 2020, 159 people drowned in Lithuania, 4 times the EU average. On behalf of the Lithuanian Swimming Federation, we have created a provocative TV commercial encouraging parents to take their children to swimming lessons.

Niekieno Vaikai | Nov 2020
A campaign we created for Niekieno Vaikai (Nobody's Children). It was inspired by a real story and collected enough money for the initiative to continue running for 3 months in the 5 largest Lithuanian cities.

Kiusimisvaba Kool | Dec 2020
A poster we crafted for the Kiusimisvaba Kool (Bullying Free School) program. The tattoo on the arm says “lehm,” which means “cow” in English. The campaign raised enough funds to educate more than 1 000 kids in the program.

Vaiku Linija | Jan 2016
A volunteer recruitment campaign we created for Vaiku Linija (Children’s Helpline). The campaign resulted in 340 people reaching out and filling in the applications, leading to the creation of 5 new volunteer groups (120 people in total). This enabled an additional 21,000 hours of volunteer work in 2016. As a result, Children’s Helpline was answering 1 in 4 calls (compared to 1 out of 9 in 2015).

Labas Majas | May 2020
A TV commercial we created to enable an animal shelter to survive during the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020. The campaign raised enough money to ensure that the shelter remained open and functional during the summer of 2020.

Kaunas City | Jan 2014
A visual identity system we developed for Kaunas city. The logo of Kaunas is made of stripes in various colours (designed to reflect the different layers of city life, from business to modern culture and from history to sport) that bend, cross each other and interlace. The interlacing design principle underlines the open spirit and versatility of Kaunas city and extends beyond the logo to build a comprehensive visual identity that seamlessly engages with the environment.

Vaiku Linija | Mar 2014
A multi-award-winning TV commercial we created for Vaiku Linija (Children Helpline) to raise awareness about the dangers of cyberbullying.

Vaiku Linija | Mar 2013
A TV commercial we developed to promote an Anti-Bullying Week initiative from Vaiku Linija (Children’s Helpline).

Brand Lithuania | Feb 2008
A brand book we created to outline the principles of Lithuania's international efforts at image building. It lays down the general principles for brand Lithuania, as well the principles for promoting tourism, investments and the export of Lithuanian goods. It became the only image-building programme for Lithuania among many officially approved by the Lithuanian government at the time.

IOM | Feb 2002
A campaign we developed for the prevention of sex trafficking of women in the Baltic States for the International Organization for Migration. Depending on the country, the campaign reached up to 87% of the risk group, and as a result, 13% of those in the risk group reached out to the IOM for assistance.