Caffeine | Oct 2018

A reimagining of the famous Tic-Tac-Toe game we designed in 3D to promote the Pumpkin Spice Latte from Caffeine. By using coffee beans and pumpkins instead of noughts and crosses, one can play against a friend or the machine.

Caffeine | Aug 2015

A super-light and super-fast-loading website we developed for Coffee Inn based on Scalable Video Graphics illustrations animated with JavaScript.

Caffeine | Jan 2015

A series of posters we designed for Coffee Inn (now Caffeine) showcasing its passion for coffee craftsmanship.

Caffeine | Dec 2014

A series of award-winning posters we created for a special winter coffee called Forest Fairytale.

Caffeine | Oct 2012

A poster we designed for Coffee Inn (now Caffeine) Flat White featuring a coffee bean sculpture that resembled the Hokusai wave. The poster was produced by hand-modelling the physical wave using coffee beans and polymer clay, which we then photographed.

Caffeine | Oct 2010

A simple, yet art direction intensive, award-winning poster we crafted for a coffee with 2 separate layers of cold milk and hot coffee named White & Black.
