Pakruojo Dvaro Bravoras Ir Spirito Varykla | Oct 2023
Paskoline (Loan Bitter in English) is a special drink we created, designed, produced, and got into stores just 72 hours after the sentencing of the former minister of transportation and communications of the Lithuanian Republic, Eligijus Masiulis, in a bribing case. As alcohol advertising is banned in Lithuania, the packaging design had to do the whole job – excite the nation, tell the story, and sell the product, which it did on the very first day.

Red Cross Lithuania | Apr 2023
Lithuania ranked 83rd in the 2022 World Giving Index. Before considering whether to give to others, some Lithuanians will wonder, “What’s in it for me?” If the answer is “nothing,” they will most likely not donate money to those in need. To change that, we created a campaign for the Red Cross Lithuania.

Karl Friedrich | Apr 2023
A set of TV commercials we created for a long-running Karl Friedrich beer campaign: “Hold my Karl”.

Raudonu Plytu Alaus Dirbtuves | Aug 2022
Names and designs for a line of special beers we crafted for Raudonu Plytu Alaus Dirbtuves (Red Brick Beer Workshop) dedicated to international IPA day.
We are an integrated creative, digital and design network of nearly 100 people. Established in 2000, we now have offices in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. We’re renowned for creative work that gets nations talking. Whether that be in our home region of the Baltics or in an increasing number of countries around the world.

Red Noses | May 2022
A TV commercial in which we captured the essence of Red Noses clown doctors’ organisation with the goal of raising funds.

Call Russia | Mar 2022
Call Russia – a counter–disinformation initiative we have created in collaboration with 15 Min Group and other partners – has become one of largest and most impactful civic movements against the Russian–Ukrainian war. With very little budget and no pre-existing platform or infrastructure, the initiative has united volunteers from around the globe to cut through Putin’s information blockades and tell millions of Russians the truth and empower them to stand against the war. In just 4 weeks, Call Russia has been featured in 800+ top tier articles from CNN, BBC, CBS News, Reuters, Agence France-Presse, RTL News (Germany), and others, reaching an audience of 1.7+ billion and the volunteers, hailing from 132 countries, have made more than 130,000 calls, with 45% of the calls going through and 47% of those judged as successful.

Olerex | Jan 2022
A campaign we created to launch a new loyalty program for Olerex gasoline stations. We placed the heroes of the campaign – piggy-bank jars – in outdoor advertising stands.

Petergailis | Mar 2022
A set of TV commercials we created to launch Petergailis cookies in the Latvian market.
We’re called Not Perfect because we believe that neither people nor life are perfect. And we celebrate that. Humans like to think they are rational beings, but this is simply not true, and our "Kick-head man" logo reminds us daily that it’s the best creative that rules the heart.

Lidl | Jun 2021
A series of television ads we created to pitch the freshness of the produce available at Lidl stores. According to Synopticom Ad Research, these became the best-liked Lithuanian ads in the second quarter of 2021.

Lithuanian Swimming Federation | Aug 2021
In 2020, 159 people drowned in Lithuania, 4 times the EU average. On behalf of the Lithuanian Swimming Federation, we have created a provocative TV commercial encouraging parents to take their children to swimming lessons.

Tele2 | Aug 2020
An anti-cyberbullying television commercial we developed for Latvian telco Tele2. It featured Daiga Barkane, also known as Uga, a rapper from the Latgalian region. The campaign provoked intense public discussion, bringing the polarised Latvian views surrounding this topic to the surface.

Obeliu Crafted Vodka | Oct 2020
A brand name, bottle and label design, as well as a website we created for Obeliu Crafted Vodka, a super-premium vodka from Vilniaus Degtine. This vodka is made from spirits sourced from the Obeliu Distillery, built in 1907 by Jonas Psezdeckis, the last Count of Rokiskis. The front label features a photograph of Countess Katerina Komaraite Psezdeckiene bottling the Obeliu spirits in 1930.

Essentiale | May 2020
A series of posters and press ads we crafted for the liver detox drug Essentiale. The illustrator Bogdan Katsuba collaborated with us to create the artwork.

Colgate | Apr 2019
A joint project we created with the Red Fuse Paris agency to alert parents to one of the greatest enemies of healthy teeth: sweets.

Svyturys | Jun 2018
An exhibition concept, design and display articles we created for Svyturys Museum set in the historic premises of Svyturys Brewery. The museum explores the craft of beer-making and the history of Svyturys, along with the story of the acclaimed Ekstra beer. In the exhibition, all the beers ever brewed under the Tradicine Kolekcija (Traditional Collection) and Raudonu Plytu Alaus Dirbtuves (Red Brick Beer Workshop) brands are presented.

Zelta Zivtina | Jul 2017
An award-winning, multi-channel campaign we designed for Zelta Zivtina to promote its tariff plan without a roaming service or charges, in a market under new European telecom regulations.

Vaiku Linija | Mar 2014
A multi-award-winning TV commercial we created for Vaiku Linija (Children Helpline) to raise awareness about the dangers of cyberbullying.

Vilnius Comedy Fest | Nov 2015
A multi-award-winning visual identity and campaign we created for the first-ever comedy festival in Lithuania, Vilnius Comedy Fest. The logotype of the festival is a reinterpretation of the Vilnius coat-of-arms, and the campaign addresses the notoriously serious local population.

Caffeine | Oct 2012
A poster we designed for Coffee Inn (now Caffeine) Flat White featuring a coffee bean sculpture that resembled the Hokusai wave. The poster was produced by hand-modelling the physical wave using coffee beans and polymer clay, which we then photographed.

Raudonu Plytu Alaus Dirbtuves | Dec 2013
A visual identity and packaging designs we crafted for the Raudonu Plytu Alaus Dirbtuves (Red Brick Beer Workshop) craft brewery, set up in the 230-year-old red brick Svyturys premises on the shores of the Baltic Sea shore. It is a place where experimentation, play and unconventional raw materials give rise to small batches of beer with unexpected and amazing flavours. The simplistic, joyful design forgoes the fancy beer design tradition, instead relying on the playful nature of the craft beer, while the names of the beer flavours pay tribute to the sea.

Vilnius Book Festival | Aug 2012
A highly awarded campaign we developed to promote the first Vilnius Book Festival, which became our first Cannes Lions winner. The illustrations for the campaign were produced by Stasys Eidrigevicius, an acclaimed Lithuanian artist and creator of legendary posters from the ’80s.