El Galipote | Sept 2024
El Galipote is a mysterious creature wondering the dense forests of Caribbean Islands. Able to transform into human shape and gifted with supernatural powers, it is the source behind countless folk tales and eyewitness accounts. We have used the legend as an inspiration for a new rum brand from Vilniaus Degtine, called El Galipote. For packaging designs, we employed indigenous Caribbean animals that we transformed into animals with human characters.

Pakruojo Dvaro Bravoras Ir Spirito Varykla | Oct 2023
Paskoline (Loan Bitter in English) is a special drink we created, designed, produced, and got into stores just 72 hours after the sentencing of the former minister of transportation and communications of the Lithuanian Republic, Eligijus Masiulis, in a bribing case. As alcohol advertising is banned in Lithuania, the packaging design had to do the whole job – excite the nation, tell the story, and sell the product, which it did on the very first day.

Karl Friedrich | Apr 2023
A set of TV commercials we created for a long-running Karl Friedrich beer campaign: “Hold my Karl”.

Raudonu Plytu Alaus Dirbtuves | Aug 2022
Names and designs for a line of special beers we crafted for Raudonu Plytu Alaus Dirbtuves (Red Brick Beer Workshop) dedicated to international IPA day.

Svyturys | Jul 2022
A website and a registration mechanism to book excursions we built for Svyturys Brewery lets a user navigate the website with the simple turn of a mouse wheel.

Renaissance | Dec 2021
A line of Renaissance brandies we redesigned packaging for. The labels we crafted were designed for use on a very challenging bottle shape.

Svyturys | Dec 2020
The packaging design we crafted for Compass V, a limited edition beer matured for 18 months in bourbon barrels from Svyturys.

Moskovskaya | Jan 2021
We created a limited-edition Moskovskaya sleeve design for the Chinese nightclubs market. The detailed dragon illustration is covered with UV varnish and changes colour under neon lights.

Obeliu Crafted Vodka | Oct 2020
A brand name, bottle and label design, as well as a website we created for Obeliu Crafted Vodka, a super-premium vodka from Vilniaus Degtine. This vodka is made from spirits sourced from the Obeliu Distillery, built in 1907 by Jonas Psezdeckis, the last Count of Rokiskis. The front label features a photograph of Countess Katerina Komaraite Psezdeckiene bottling the Obeliu spirits in 1930.

Svyturys | Nov 2020
The packaging design we crafted for a limited-edition Brewmaster’s Selection, a Belgian triple ale from Svyturys.

Svyturys | Dec 2019
A packaging design we developed for the 2019 Vintage Imperial Stout, a limited edition beer from Svyturys.

Karl Friedrich | Mar 2020
A series of TV commercials we developed for Karl Friedrich beer.

Svyturys | Nov 2019
The packaging design we created for a Compass IV limited edition beer, matured for 6 months in Laphroaig barrels, from Svyturys.

Raudonu Plytu Alaus Dirbtuves | Oct 2019
A name and label design we created for Spicy Mixtape – a limited edition beer resulting from a collaboration between Raudonu Plytu Alaus Dirbtuves (Red Brick Beer Workshop) and Brooklyn Breweries. The drink features a lot of spices, ranging from honey and ginger to red pepper and sweet orange peel.

Raudonu Plytu Alaus Dirbtuves | Oct 2019
A name and label we designed for the Banginio Dieta (Whale's Diet) coconut cheesecake stout from Raudonu Plytu Alaus Dirbtuves (Red Brick Beer Workshop).

Raudonu Plytu Alaus Dirbtuves | Oct 2019
A packaging revamp we crafted for the Raudonu Plytu Alaus Dirbtuves (Red Brick Beer Workshop) craft brewery. The new designs are centered on the iconic brick cart, which we introduced on the labels 6 years ago for then-new brewery.

Aldaris | Apr 2019
A campaign we created to promote the iconic Latvian beer Aldaris.

Moskovskaya | Aug 2019
Bottle and label designs we created for Moskovskaya vodka, which is sold in more than 60 markets worldwide.

Raudonu Plytu Alaus Dirbtuves | Dec 2018
A name, label, wrap and a gift box we designed for the limited edition Buriu Burtai (Sail Spells) chocolate mint stout available from Raudonu Plytu Alaus Dirbtuves (Red Brick Beer Workshop).

Svyturys | Apr 2019
A TV commercial we crafted to launch the alcohol-free version of the iconic Lithuanian beer Svyturys Ekstra.

Svyturys | Dec 2018
The packaging design we crafted for the Compass III limited edition beer – a beer matured for 36 months in Mackmyra barrels from Svyturys.

Pakruojo Dvaro Bravoras Ir Spirito Varykla | Dec 2018
The packaging we designed for Eau De Vie De Biere from Pakruojo Dvaro Bravoras Ir Spirito Varykla (Pakruojis Manor Brewery And Distillery) distillery, a distillery committed to bringing traditional liquors from the Baltic region to the public.

Raudonu Plytu Alaus Dirbtuves | Oct 2018
A name and label design we created for the 4 Vejai (4 Winds) German ale from Raudonu Plytu Alaus Dirbtuves (Red Brick Beer Workshop).

Svyturys | Jun 2018
An exhibition concept, design and display articles we created for Svyturys Museum set in the historic premises of Svyturys Brewery. The museum explores the craft of beer-making and the history of Svyturys, along with the story of the acclaimed Ekstra beer. In the exhibition, all the beers ever brewed under the Tradicine Kolekcija (Traditional Collection) and Raudonu Plytu Alaus Dirbtuves (Red Brick Beer Workshop) brands are presented.

Svyturys | Oct 2017
The last TV commercial for Svyturys beer that we produced before Lithuania’s total ban on alcoholic beverage advertising came into force. The ad pulls scenes and heroes from classic ads, which have become a part of Lithuanian popular culture over the years, into the world of Svyturys’ “sea romance”.

Svyturys | Nov 2017
A set of visuals we designed for Svyturys beer, celebrating the beauty of life at the seaside.

Aldaris | Apr 2017
A TV commercial we created to promote a new line of beers from Aldaris Izlases (Select).

Raudonu Plytu Alaus Dirbtuves | Aug 2017
A set of materials for Raudonu Plytu Alaus Dirbtuves (Red Brick Beer Workshop) we designed to celebrate IPA Day at select pubs. Special illustrations were developed for every bar that was involved, with materials that included posters, beer pads, T-shirts, jumpers, temporary tattoos, and other merchandise.

Svyturys | Mar 2017
A TV commercial we created to promote the pairing of Svyturys Traditional Collection’s beer with food, featuring the Lithuanian celebrity chefs Deivydas Praspaliauskas and Gaspar Fernandes.

Raudonu Plytu Alaus Dirbtuves | Mar 2017
A name, label design and online video we developed for the limited edition Juroje Supasi Lempa (Lamp in the Sea) beer, created for the Kino Pavasaris film festival by Raudonu Plytu Alaus Dirbtuves (Red Brick Beer Workshop). The malt for this beer was dried under a 4.1 kW cinema lamp and the label was coated in ultraviolet dye, making its appearance change once exposed to ultraviolet (and cinema) light.

Alkimikis | Mar 2017
Packaging we created for the main product line at Alkimikis – a microbrewery in the heart of Riga run by Gordon Van Houtan, an American architect turned Latvian beer brewer. The label designs explore Gordon’s philosophy of science and art.

Lithuanian Vodka | Feb 2016
A limited-edition seasonal packaging we designed for Lithuanian vodka. The naïve illustrations were inspired by the folk patterns found on traditional window shutters and explore traditional Easter themes including Pancake Tuesday and the Fair of St Casimir.

Raudonu Plytu Alaus Dirbtuves | May 2015
A cart-like shop display we created for Raudonu Plytu Alaus Dirbtuves (Red Brick Beer Workshop).

Raudonu Plytu Alaus Dirbtuves | Nov 2015
A name and label we designed for a limited edition beer from Raudonu Plytu Alaus Dirbtuves (Red Brick Beer Workshop) called Jam Session. 10 tons of birch sap went into this very special beer, which was brewed together with the legendary Garret Oliver of Brooklyn Breweries fame.

Svyturys | Feb 2015
A very delicate design work for an iconic and exceptionally busy Svyturys logotype, aiming to give the logo a modern, quality feel with little to no actual changes to the design. The redesign of the logotype retained the profusion of all the elements, and a great deal of effort was spent improving the comprehensibility of the symbols. Dozens of designs were executed and tested for every logo element from the shape of the eagle feathers to the width, kerning, and outline of the lettering. The style of these elements was modernised and their execution was unified by means of hand drawing. Subsequently, a lot of thought was given to an elegant merger of these elements and a gentle rebalance of the logotype’s priorities to ensure a stronger impact. Finally, the logotype was reproduced in a vector format.

Aldaris | Apr 2015
A special visual identity we developed for Aldaris Alus Darbnica. It was inspired by the legendary European Brewers Congress that took place in 1906, where one hundred brewmasters from Europe met at the Waldschlosschen Brewery (the historic name of Aldaris) in Riga to discuss the secrets of their craft. The visual identity was specially developed for the museum’s purposes and is used for special small-batch beer packaging produced on the museum’s premises.

Svyturys | Jul 2014
A paper wrap we crafted for Svyturys Memelbrau beer bottles, inviting people to purchase the beer with 5 cents from each bottle going to replenish the Curonian Spit forest that had burned down. The illustration on the wrap depicts the tragedy of the Curonian Spit fire and was created with coal from burnt trees located on the actual site. More than 50,000 pine trees were planted with the money raised through this campaign.

Raudonu Plytu Alaus Dirbtuves | Dec 2013
A visual identity and packaging designs we crafted for the Raudonu Plytu Alaus Dirbtuves (Red Brick Beer Workshop) craft brewery, set up in the 230-year-old red brick Svyturys premises on the shores of the Baltic Sea shore. It is a place where experimentation, play and unconventional raw materials give rise to small batches of beer with unexpected and amazing flavours. The simplistic, joyful design forgoes the fancy beer design tradition, instead relying on the playful nature of the craft beer, while the names of the beer flavours pay tribute to the sea.

Mr. Plume | Nov 2013
The brand name, visual identity and packaging we developed for Mr. Plume, a cider created by a Latvian musician who learned cider brewing in Austria and returned to his home city of Jumprava to produce his own ciders. We also helped Martin Plume to win a financial grant on the TV show ‘Company Secret’ to kick-start his business. As the name Plume sounds very much like plum, a lighthearted and paradoxical brand name was employed – Mr. Plume – for a cider made by a plum guy. A ‘Mr.’ bowler hat was shaped for the brand logo that is reminiscent of an apple.

Svyturys | Apr 2013
A print advertisement we crafted to announce the nationwide distribution of a beer previously only available in the Klaipeda region: Memelbräu.

Aldaris | Apr 2012
A campaign we developed to establish the new communication platform for the Aldaris brand. By bringing the public’s beloved quirks in the Latvian countryside back to its advertising, we helped return the brand to its roots as a national Latvian beer.

Svyturys | May 2012
A TV commercial we fashioned to re-introduce a best-selling premium beer in Lithuania, Svyturys Ekstra. The multi-award winning TV ad included detailed drawings of every element of a watch mechanism, 3D modelling, and a special programmed rig that animated the components into a single mechanism.

Scottish Leader | May 2011
A pan-Baltic campaign we developed for Scottish Leader Whisky. It resulted in a 119% increase in sales, depending on the country, with a much-needed radical change in consumer perception measured by attributes such as old traditions and high quality, among others.

Svyturys | Jun 2011
A series of print ads we made for the Memelbrau beer from Svyturys – a beer available for purchase only in the Klaipeda region. The ads are based on real stories from the land of Klaipeda.

Svyturys | Jul 2009
Promotional merchandise we crafted for fans of the Lithuanian National Basketball Team along with viral videos. Walking in these shoes leaves behind the footprints: We Will Win. Over 50,000 shoes were distributed as prizes, while the viral videos collected over 300,000 organic YouTube views.

Svyturys | May 2009
A classic “irresistible taste” commercial we created for Švyturys beer.

Kalnapilis | Nov 2005
One of the classic TV commercials we created for the challenger beer brand Kalnapilis. The commercial challenged unquestionable Lithuanian traditions and achieved unprecedented growth for the Kalnapilis brand.

Kalnapilis | Aug 2005
A special ad we created for the Kalnapilis Grand promotion at a pizza chain that ran in their newspaper-styled menu.