Packaging we created for the main product line at Alkimikis – a microbrewery in the heart of Riga run by Gordon Van Houtan, an American architect turned Latvian beer brewer. The label designs explore Gordon’s philosophy of science and art.
Alcoholic BeveragesType of work:
Packaging & Product DesignYear:
ADwards Silver Medal in Print art and design (commercial packaging) for Alkimikis signature beers packagingADwards Silver Medal in Print art and design (illustration) for Alkimikis signature beers packaging
ADwards Shortlist in Brand story (rebranding) for Alkimikis brewery rebranding
Kiev International Advertising Festival Shortlist in Packaging for Alkimikis signature beers packaging
White Square 3rd Place in Packaging for foodstuffs for Alkimikis signature beers packaging