Call Russia – a counter–disinformation initiative we have created in collaboration with 15 Min Group and other partners – has become one of largest and most impactful civic movements against the Russian–Ukrainian war. With very little budget and no pre-existing platform or infrastructure, the initiative has united volunteers from around the globe to cut through Putin’s information blockades and tell millions of Russians the truth and empower them to stand against the war. In just 4 weeks, Call Russia has been featured in 800+ top tier articles from CNN, BBC, CBS News, Reuters, Agence France-Presse, RTL News (Germany), and others, reaching an audience of 1.7+ billion and the volunteers, hailing from 132 countries, have made more than 130,000 calls, with 45% of the calls going through and 47% of those judged as successful.
Call RussiaCategory:
Public Sector & Not For ProfitType of work:
Brand, Concept & Product Development, Digital & Social, Direct, Promo & Activation, WebsitesYear:
ADC*E Gold in Integrated & innovation - best use of technologyADC*E Bronze in Brand experience - PR / events
ADC*E Bronze in Brand experience - promotions
ADC*E Bronze in Interactive & mobile for non-profit / public service / NGO
ADC*LT Gold in Best use of technology
ADC*LT Gold in Promo & activation
ADC*LT Gold in Social media campaigns
ADC*LT Gold in Ukraine support campaigns
Baltic Best Gold in Corporate & public service PR
Baltic Best Gold in Innovative media & marketing / use of technology
Baltic Best Gold in Marketing effectiveness
Baltic Best Gold in Non profit / for good
Baltic Best Gold in Promo & activation
Baltic Best Shortlist in Media planning effectiveness
Baltic Best Shortlist in Social media advertising / direct marketing offline
Cannes Lions Shortlist in Titanium
Cresta Silver in Social impact
Epica Shortlist in Promotions & incentives
Golden Drum Golden Drum in Omni-channel drum: engagement
Golden Drum Bronze Drum in All juries: social good
IPRA Golden World Awards Grand Prix
IPRA Golden World Awards Winner in NGO campaign - agency
Kiev International Advertising Festival Grand Prix
Kiev International Advertising Festival Best Work Of Contest in Positive change
Kiev International Advertising Festival Gold in PR campaigns
London International Awards Bronze in Ambient & activation - best use of real time advertising
London International Awards Bronze in Non-traditional - direct marketing
London International Awards Bronze in Non-traditional - public service / social responsibility
London International Awards Finalist in Ambient & activation - direct marketing - consumer
London International Awards Finalist in Ambient & activation - public service / social responsibility
PR Impact Awards 1st Place in Influecer and viral communications
PR Impact Awards 1st Place in Innovations in communications
PR Impact Awards 1st Place in International communications
PR Impact Awards 2nd Place in Communications in digital space
PR Impact Awards 3rd Place in Sponsorship communications
Password Best in Ukraine support campaign