Lidl | Jul 2023
A long-running campaign we created to highlight what makes Lidl stores different such as the low prices and the unique assortment of items they carry. The TV ad featuring a "unique assortment" became the most memorable of the summer of 2022, according to Synopticom Ad Research. The phrase "This is not like Lidl" also became a part of Lithuanian colloquial language.

Lidl | Apr 2022
A campaign we created to present fresh spring and later autumn harvests at Lidl stores.

Lidl | Jun 2021
A series of television ads we created to pitch the freshness of the produce available at Lidl stores. According to Synopticom Ad Research, these became the best-liked Lithuanian ads in the second quarter of 2021.

Lidl | Jan 2020
A multi-award-winning campaign we created to pitch the benefits of shopping at Lidl stores to the public. Synopticom Ad Research ranked it as the No. 1 most memorable campaign in Lithuania in the first quarter of 2020, which helped drive a 23.5% annual turnover growth at Lidl stores.

Lidl | Nov 2019
At the end of 2019, Lidl Lithuania pledged to withdraw all single-use plastic shopping bags from Lidl stores for once and for all. We created the new Lidl paper bag design featuring a whale whose tail serves as the handle, and we created a social media campaign to rally Lithuanians to care about the planet.

Lidl | Oct 2019
An office employee recruitment online commercial we created for Lidl Lithuania. The commercial is based on the Lithuanian saying “to roll a fool on the floor”, which means to keep procrastinating.