Petergailis | Feb 2024
An online film we crafted to introduce condensed-milk flavoured crackers from Petergailis.

Mashie | Feb 2023
Hot Power is a first-of-its-kind hot berry power drink from Mashie. We created the packaging line, which employs the animal illustrations historically used by the brand.

Mashie | Oct 2022
A packaging line design we crafted for Mashie hot berry drinks.

Petergailis | Mar 2022
A set of TV commercials we created to launch Petergailis cookies in the Latvian market.

Malsena | Apr 2020
The packaging design for the Malsena pasta range.

Pergale | Nov 2019
A packaging design we crafted for the Pergale Unique line of chocolate tablets. The illustrations were created by the artist and zookeeper Lori Dunn.

Melt Water | May 2016
Glass and PET bottles and 30+ SKU labels we designed for Melt Water. This super-premium bottled water is produced via a proprietary technology that mimics the natural formation and melting of glaciers, which involves a complex, multistage process of freezing, extracting and melting the “core” ice.

Colgate | Apr 2019
A joint project we created with the Red Fuse Paris agency to alert parents to one of the greatest enemies of healthy teeth: sweets.

Danissimo | Feb 2016
A digital campaign and national phenomena we developed for Danissimo in Belarus. Women were invited to visit a special micro-website where they could choose from a list of the top 120 most popular Belarusian names and upload their picture, at which point a personalised song was generated and performed by a four-member boy band. Over 120,000 of these personalised videos were generated, while nearly 50% of the traffic was viral and the bounce rate was as low as 2.42%. The boy band appeared on national TV in morning talk shows, and the song was featured on the “Top Gift” lists for Valentine’s Day.

Vichy | Apr 2016
A TV commercial we crafted for the silver-purified Vichy brand of bottled water.

Saules Pienas | May 2015
A packaging design inspired by the interwar period we crafted for the Saules Pienas (Sun Milk) line of dairy products from the Lithuanian retailer Maxima.