A highly awarded campaign we developed to promote the first Vilnius Book Festival, which became our first Cannes Lions winner. The illustrations for the campaign were produced by Stasys Eidrigevicius, an acclaimed Lithuanian artist and creator of legendary posters from the ’80s.
Vilnius Book FestivalCategory:
LeisureType of work:
Art Direction, Out Of Home AdvertisingYear:
ADrenalinas Golden Arrow in Art direction in print and outdoor for Vilnius Book Festival "The forehead", "The eye" and "The nose"ADrenalinas Golden Arrow in Design solutions for Vilnius Book Festival logo design
ADrenalinas Golden Arrow in Outdoor advertising for Vilnius Book Festival "The forehead", "The eye" and "The nose"
ADrenalinas Golden Arrow in Print advertising for services for Vilnius Book Festival "The forehead", "The eye" and "The nose"
Cannes Lions Bronze Lion in Outdoor for Vilnius Book Festival "The forehead"
Cannes Lions Shortlist in Outdoor for Vilnius Book Festival "The forehead"
Cannes Lions Shortlist in Outdoor for Vilnius Book Festival "The eye"
Golden Hammer Silver Hammer in Outdoor posters for Vilnius Book Festival "The forehead", "The eye" and "The nose"
White Square 2nd Place in Outdoor for Vilnius Book Festival "The forehead", "The eye" and "The nose"